Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Month Old Update

Just a few notes about our sweet, little 5 month old:

* He's begun to try to sit up on his own.  Very wobbly and cute.  When leaning forward, he does pretty well though.

* He 'scoots' all over the place...but only backwards. ;)

* He's pushing up on his hands and knees now.  He pushes up for a few seconds and rocks back and forth.  He wants to 'go' so bad, but hasn't gotten the crawling thing yet (thank God...I'm not ready!).  Please note Gabriella pretty much never crawled, and didn't walk steadily on her own until 14 months.  Oh, and we never really had to babyproof our house...G didn't get into anything. 

* He refuses ALL baby food so far, besides bland rice cereal.  (Totally different than Gabriella, who ate...and still does...anything we offer her.)

* He's HEAVY!  Whew, big boy.  I'll find out how much he weighs in few wks at his 6 mo. appt, but I'm guessing 17 lb??  Gabriella weighed 18 lb at a year old.

Oh, how different my babies are!  But...I wouldn't have it any other way!  They're individual, unique, and special.  =)

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