Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family Time!

Some family fun at Noni & Popi's house:

A tricycle inside?  Sure.

"Popi, he's too little."

Tea party!

Kruz & Uncle Cam just chillin'

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sloppy Smooches

Beware: Below are some of the cutest, sweetest, sloppiest sibling kisses!

Uh oh, Sissy loves me A LOT!

(I think Kruz may be using her chin as a teether here :/)

How cute is this?  Look at his little finger!

C'mon- let's play!

Oopsy, Kruzy Boy let go.

Is it so wrong I let them do this?  I mean, I think it's so stinkin' cute. :)  I know my kids will absolutely hate me when they're older, but oh well!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sittin' Pretty (or Handsome)

Yep, I'm sittin'...

Our new meal placements: Kruz moved into G's highchair, while she gets to climb into her own 'big girl booster'...and strap herself in...yes!

And you guessed it...Mom's in the middle.  Kinda like 'monkey in the middle'.  Yeah, I feel that way sometimes.

...on a bus:

...on Popi's lap during breakfast out:

(our very, very loud breakfast out. Don't know that he's been back since- ha!)

...on our cousins' couch.  (This is mid wrestling match just fyi)

...in the double stroller:

...with Mommy at a festival in the park...so fun!

Park It

A couple of days at the park.  Note Georgia weather..these are probably taken one week apart. ;)

Different park- one that G and I love:

"Ta da!"


These things are as big as Gabriella...and hungry...so we sorta kinda ran away. ;)