Sunday, July 4, 2010

Daddy Day Doubled

Fathers: What a great thing to celebrate!  I have been blessed to have an amazing Dad in my life.  He and I are still close, and I admire him greatly.  Love you, Daddy!  I am also so blessed to have an awesome Dad to my babies.  Kad is a better Daddy than I could have ever hoped for for my kids.  Love you too, Kad!  Here are some highlights from Father's Day this  year:

Gabriella is newly fascinated with the fountain outside of church. Every Sunday we tell her (as we walk pass it...late usually) that we can see it after church...and so we do.  Great photo op, don't ya think?

Oooh, love my men!

Gabriella: "Daddy, just b/c it's your day, I'd like to bat my eyelashes and get whatever I want...okay?"

Quick pic when we got home...1/2 way changed...

Now for a swim at Noni & Popi's neighborhood pool...which is practically theirs b/c no one's ever there! :)  We had so much fun spending time w/ our Daddys.
They are THE best!  Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Kad and Kruz (the fifth one down) is TO DIE FOR--perfect!
