The Mendozas have a blessed life. This site is to keep you updated on the growth of Gabriella and Kruz, our adventures, and other Mendoza Moments.
Friday, September 25, 2009
It's a....BOY!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Besos for Daddy
One of Daddy's favorite things to do is to kiss Gabriella- or have her give him "besos". Poor baby, she gets kissed a lot! Ha! =) However, to get most of these kisses, Kad has to bribe Gabriella with bites of food. They are so sweet & cute to watch.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sticky Fingers
Gabriella has developed a new technique for eating. She does this a lot...especially with puffs, bread, & crackers. It cracks me up that she has thought to do this. You know you have sticky fingers when...
Cute as Can Be...That's Me
Shop, Shop
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Sweetest Things
Outside: Clovers, Mail, & Moving
Sunday, September 6, 2009
DVDs Please!
A Permanant Friend
Noni, Mommy, & Gabriella went to the Avenues last week to take advantage of the beautiful 80* weather. As we walked around, Gabriella noticed one of the little statues along the way. It was a little girl, just about G's size. Gabriella must have thought she was a real little girl! She was holding her hand, high 5ing, talking to her, waving, blowing kisses, and wanted to play with her. It was so cute. She was laughing her 'giddy' laugh. However, she cried when we had to leave her new 'permanant friend'. :( We promised to visit again soon.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"Don't You Shake at Me!"
Gabriella does a funny thing where she'll "Shake at us." She clenches her fists, makes a funny face, and shakes! She always laughs afterwards. We like to say "Don't you shake at me!" to get her to do it. When I took this video, she had already done it several times; therefore, she was about 'done' and more focused on eating! Maybe I can capture it better another time. :)