Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Potty Time...Elmo Style!

Warning: Potty Talk!

I know they say not to pressure your child into potty training before they are ready. But...what if your child pressures you before YOU are ready?! Well, Gabriella didn't ask if Mommy & Daddy had any idea how to potty train, had read any books, etc. (we have NOT by the way)...she just decided it was time. Well, I made a random trip to Walmart and bought the Sesame Street potty, Elmo Potty Time DVD and Elmo Potty book. I mean, I needed something! Since she's been 15 months old, she's been grabbing her diaper (as or after she went potty in her diaper). Since then, she's gotten increasingly more aware of when she goes, and has been 'telling' us BEFORE she goes. I didn't want to discourage this awareness, or hold her back if she was ready. I mean, I don't want her to be uncomfortable! So, the trip to Walmart. The day after she turned 17 mo, I brought the potty home. She grabbed her diaper, I grabbed the potty and we were off! (I think this whole thing is pretty funny since I'm very unprepared. I was thinking we'd potty train this summer after the baby is born- she had a different idea!). She sat on the potty and seemed to like it! This first time, after a minute, she wanted 'off' or "waff", so I let her stand beside it and explore. She then peepee'd! I hurried and sat her back. We were close! This happened a few more times, but we never actually 'went' in the potty. Until today (7 days after our first attempt). She told me she had to go, we ran to the potty, tried, stood, started, and jumped back on! Then, she did it!! =) Okay, I realize you might be thinking that I'm making a big deal out of this, and I am! Let's just hope she continues to get the idea and stick with it. I'm more than okay with only having one baby in diapers at a time! ;)

Day 1: What's this?
Flushing is fun!

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