Tuesday, December 30, 2008

7 Month Photo Shoot

Gabriella's (Barely) 7 Month Old Photo Shoot (By: Mommy)

*** Please look to the end of all the pictures for the explanation of how these pictures came about. Enjoy!

This was the very last shot of the day...turned out to be one of my favorites.

"Mommy, are you finished yet?!"

Finally a smile!

Happy happy girl

That's my girl.

Wind-blown hair look ;)

My favorite

She really wanted to grab (and eat) the grass!

Little smirk she's been doing lately

I think she looks more like Kad here.

Okay, so maybe this one is my favorite. ;)

Don't we all wish we had such pure skin?


Okay, try to follow me on this one. I'm gonna let you into my head. Don't be scared.

Well, it was such a nice day out today, that I thought it would be fun to be outside. If it's not going to feel like winter (though it's almost New Years Eve), why not enjoy the outdoors in the sun? So in the back of my mind, I was thinking of taking Gabriella out to play. Meanwhile, I was doing laundry. I noticed some super cute outfits she got for Christmas. I also remembered that yesterday was her 7 month old birthday! So, I put all these ideas together and got: Gabriella's 7 month photo shoot! It was 'spur of the moment' and totally not planned (and if you know me, you know that's not really how I work). I grabbed some outfits, bows, blankets, camera, loud toys, oh and the baby, and put them all into a laundry basket. Yes, baby too. How else would I carry everything in one trip? Gabriella looked at me like I was crazy when I carried her that way, but she didn't complain. Well, we went into the front yard and set up. It only took a few minutes to take all the pictures (only 2 rolls of film). However, I do wonder what the neighbors think. We live in the front of the subdivision, on a corner. Here I am, with a baby in a laundry basket and a camera. Oh well. I have to admit, despite the previously mentioned craziness, they turned out pretty good. Hope you have as much fun looking as I did taking! ;)


  1. I adore her!!!! I know Davis does too!!!! (Sorry Kad)!

  2. Peaches, I love your blog! Gabriella (and her cousins) are all absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to read more!

  3. Peaches you make me laugh. I used to carry the laundry up to flights of stairs with a baby on top. I think the third picture of Gabriella in the pale green is a good one for the contest. She's too pretty for words.
