Monday, May 4, 2009

Little Miss Hiram

Well, it's been a while since I've been able to post. April has been SUCH a busy month for us! I tend to do several posts at once. Well, here is our life in a nutshell, from mid April to early May. Enjoy!

This weekend was Gabriella's 2nd pageant, Baby Miss Hiram. We entered her to give it another try (to see whether we liked 'the scene') AND b/c she already had the dress! It was fun too. Gabriella had a new bow/headband made by Noni. It was huge, but we loved it! Though we received what we wanted from the pageant (an interesting experience and cute memories), it will probably be her least until she's older and decides she wants to. She did win "First Runner Up," "Most Photogenic," "Prettiest Eyes," and "Prettiest Smile." (But, Mommy could've told you that! hahaha)

Getting ready to go on...

It's over! Now what to do w/ all these banners...


It was so funny- she kept tossing the rose they gave her to the side. Even though her first real word was "Flower," she wanted nothing to do w/ this one! lol

Fun w/ Mommy

That's our happy baby

A close up of the pretty baby and bow

Clap, clap, clap

She was not ready for Daddy to take the plaque away!

Noni, this is so embarrasing! (but cute!) haha


  1. She is precious and no banner or trophy could ever do her justice! It brightens my day everytime you make a new post! Tell my favorite Mendoza family I said hi!!!

  2. Uhh, if you win for best eyes, smile, AND most photogenic, doesn't that pretty much make you the winner of the competition regardless??! I would demand a recount! :)

    Love her squished cheek point. Too cute! It's fascinating what they come up with as they learn to communicate but can't quite get the words out.
