Wednesday, March 25, 2009

9 Month Portraits

CHEESE! It's that time again. Recently, we had Gabriella's 9 Month portraits made. (She's actually 9 1/2 months in these photos). She also had her 9 month check up. She is 17.5 pounds and 25 3/4 inches long.

As you can see in the photos, she is really getting some teeth. Four are in completely, and the 5th is half way in. I think the 6th is soon to follow. =) Also, she is clapping all the time now- so fun! The little talker is saying quite a few words now: dada, mama, gee (doggy), flower, and baba (bottle). She is also creeping around a bit, and loves to walk, jump, and 'giddy-up.' She is slowly getting braver when it comes to moving about on her own. She is also becoming a very independent eater. This week, she has started to cover her face when she doesn't want baby food- she wants to feed herself finger foods. Such a big girl!

Ready for my close up!
I love "G"!
This is my favorite- mid clap

Love those lashes
Sweet feet
Pointing to her new tooth =)


1 comment:

  1. Such a sweetheart! Sorry I missed you guys on Saturday at Rosie's. Let's get together soon:)
