Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mommy & Me Date

Gabriella and I had a fun weekday a few weeks ago.  We dropped Kruz off to spend a couple hours with his Daddy, while we headed to the Square! 

We met our sweet friends, Shannon & Davis, for a special showing of "Curious George."  After about 45 mins (and snacks were all gone), G said, "I want to go home now."  Let's face it...she's barely two...and doesn't want to sit still for THAT long. ;)  I enjoyed it though, and wish we could've finished, haha!
Not quite big enough yet...

Davis brought George along...what a great guy!

Out of the movie early w/ time to kill...let's explore...

The Theatre

Gabriella LOVES fountains lately, so of course we had to check this one out.


We walked around and around and around the fountain...

My bestest girl ;)

Girls Day!

The Square is the best.  So much to do and see.  We're off to the train now!

"Driving just like Mommy does"

Great memories, fun times.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness gracious she is the prettiest little thing around. :)
