Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alexander Kruz Mendoza 02/15/10

On President's Day, Monday, February 15, 2010, we welcomed Alexander Kruz Mendoza into this world. At 40 wks and 2 days, he was 19 1/2 in. long and weighed 8 lbs 7 oz. Perfectly healthy and just beautiful!

His birth story: We went into the hospital at 8:00 that morning. They broke my water at 9:25 am, as I was dialated to a 4 already! I was hoping to go into labor on my own, without pitocin. However, by 11:30, even with steady, strong contractions, I had only dialated to a 4.5, so the midwife decided to start me on a pit drip. Instantly my contractions got a LOT stronger, more intense, and closer together. By 11:50, I discussed the options, and thought "well if I'm in THIS much pain and only a 4.5, I'm going to go ahead with the epidural." The doctor gave me the epidural- it was in by 12:35. (Another story in itself. I had a painful nerve reaction in my left leg, and he had to move the epidural to another spot...ouch! This took a while, all during which I was having crazy strong contractions. The epidural did work, and within 5 mins, the pain was almost gone.) I asked them to check to see how far I had dialated immediately after the epidural. I was almost a 9!! Well, I thought to myself, THAT is why I was hurting so bad! So, I had dialated from a 4.5 to a 9 in one hour. They didn't check me before I was given the epidural...otherwise, I probably would have just gone natural. Oh well, I don't regret anything about his birth. They said they'd check me again in about an hour or so. Well, about 10 mins later, I was asking for a nurse, telling them I thought I needed to push. By the time they came in, set up the room for delivery, and checked me, I was, in fact, a 10! Three pushes later, Kruz was born! We thank God for answering our prayers: for Kruz and I to be healthy, and for my labor to be quick and easy. In fact, I prayed I'd only have to push 3 times. Well, look at that! :) I was a little nervous that I might hemorhage again, like I did with Gabriella...not at all...another blessing. My recovery has been MUCH easier this time.

Kruz has been a joy from the very beginning. He is a sweet, content, peaceful baby. The only thing is...he almost only sleeps when HELD! We keep trying to lay him down, but often he's not real happy with that. And when he's not happy (and crying), often Gabriella is not happy and crying! Ha! So, we try as much as we can for him not to cry...when G is sleeping especially. However, she has gotten much more used to baby brother's cries (as rare as they are). He also strongly dislikes diaper and outfit changes. Can't blame him on that. ;) So, as of now, Kad and I are sort of on "shifts," and relying on wonderful family and friends for help with watching the babies and food. What a blessing! Gabriella is adjusting pretty well with baby brother, and really likes to hold him, help burp him, and make sure he has his paci. She's going to be a great big sister. I just know that the two of them will be friends for life.

Here are a few (okay lots) of pictures from his birth, our one-night hospital stay, and coming home.

Making his presense known! The nurses and doctors couldn't get over what a strong, loud cry he had from the get-go.

Mommy knew he was going to be a big boy! (and was 2 oz off with my prediction)

Proud Daddy getting a good look at his baby boy

Getting to hold my baby boy for the first time!

Our first picture of the 3 of us

Like father, like son.... Kruz has lots of black hair just like his Daddy

Noni & Popi holding their first grandson

Proud Popi

Pops holding Kruz in the hospital

Kruz with Uncle Nic and Aunt Suzie

Not really enjoying that first bath ;)

Our 2nd little bundle of joy

Mommy is happy!

A visit from friends, Wanda and Nichole

Sweet Shannon came with breakfast in tow!

Gabriella holding her baby brother for the first time

She wanted to kiss sweet!

Our first picture as a family of FOUR!

Gabriella was crushed when we pryed baby Kruz out of her hands :( She thought he was hers!

Great Grandma and Great Auntie V giving Kruz some love

Arms full of my babies...I love it

Getting ready to head home...after one night, we were ready to leave!

Waiting for Kad to pull the car was cold outside!

Kad buckling up Kruz

Holdin' on for his first car ride!

We made it!

Isn't that the cutest?

Our 2nd Miracle

Little Big Sis holding her Big Baby Brother ;)

Love already

"Besos, besos, besos" for "Baby Truz"

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