Monday, December 21, 2009

Work Shower for Baby Kruz

I am so blessed to work with such amazing, sweet friends. They threw Kruz and I a baby shower at my friend Rebecca's house. It was an adorable "ducky" theme! Here are a few pics from the baby shower.

The gifted hostess, Rebecca, and I

I'm 30 wks pregnant, Rebecca is 20 wks (with a girl). This is our super silly pregnant prom picture, haha.

"Welcome Baby Kruz" Do you see the ducks floating in the punch?

Great friends! Rebecca, Trish, Misty, me, Nichole, Barbara, Carolyn, & Wanda

Mom and I (7 12/ mo.)

Us again

"This is what handsome looks like"- love it!

A goody box from Noni!

Starting Kruz's book collection

How cute is that?

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